Tag Archives: baby

DIY No Sew Crib Teething Protector

15 Jan

My son has always been a super drooler. Certain family members and a few strangers thought to inform me that he was most likely teething at 3 months old. Blah blah. Wrong! Actually, we just welcomed his very first pearly white at 8 months.

I decided that we needed something to protect the crib from tiny teeth marks. Ya know, since babies obviously become beavers. Afterall, we will likely be using the same crib for at least a couple more babies. Let me just tell you, crib protectors are expensive. Even the adorable ones on Etsy were just a bit too pricey for this frugal mama. And I could never make my own, right? I mean my sewing skills are less than…um…mediocre. Then I came across a no sew way to make my own and was surprised at how easy and cheap it was to do.

What you will need:

  • Fleece Fabric – I recommend fleece because it doesn’t fray when cut and the edges can be left raw. I purchased 2 yards at Walmart for $2.49 a yard. I have a ton of excess. 1 yard would have been plenty. Perhaps even half a yard.
  • Scissors

Cut the fabric the length of your crib rail by about 10-12 inches wide. Lay this long piece of fabric across the rail and use your scissors to cut strips in between the bars of the crib. When you are finished, lay the fabric on the floor and use the slits you just cut as a guide to cut the other side.


Lay your finished, fringed piece across the rail of your crib.


Now start tying double knots in the spaces between the bars. There will be strips of fabric where the bars are. Just tuck those up into the fabric.



And viola! Now just repeat on the other side.


Follow Me on Facebook

31 Dec

Conceiving Faith is now on Facebook. I will be posting about faith, parenting, babywearing, cloth diapering,  pregnancy, infertility,  and all things crunchy. I will also be sharing giveaways and promotions as I find them so you don’t want to miss out.


5 Things Motherhood Has Taught Me

30 Dec

I went into motherhood thinking a book, or perhaps the internet, could teach me all I needed to know. To an extent I guess it can. I’m an advocate of research and preparation. But what I’ve learned in my son’s 8 months of life is that nothing can fully prepare you for motherhood. Nothing. It’s hard and time consuming. You’ll cry, you’ll feel like a failure. But you will also laugh more than you ever have, smile for no reason, and be completely and utterly in love. Being a mommy is the biggest blessing God has ever bestowed upon me but it has also introduced me to some of the biggest obstacles I’ve ever faced. I’ve learned so much already and I know the lessons are far from over.

1. Motherhood has taught me that I am NOT housewife of the year. I haven’t always been the obsessive compulsive clean freak that I currently am. I remember a time right around 16 when my bedroom was a mosaic of dirty clothes and used dishes. My how times have changed. I’ve slowly morphed into my mother and cleaning has become a hobby. Before I had my son, I cleaned the house constantly. It was spotless yet I still felt as though it was a disaster. Little did I know it would soon be cluttered with toys and bottles and remnants of yesterday’s dinner. The first week home with Silas I told myself “everything can wait” and I let the cleaning, for the most part, go. Best decision ever! They aren’t newborns long. After that, I jumped in head first and falsely assumed I would be able to keep my house as clean as I used to. Listen to me when I say “Once you have kids, your house will only ever be spotless for minutes at a time.” I can only speak for my own home and maybe we are just slobs but most of the time there’s a trail of drool from the living room to the nursery, several spoiled bottles of formula lost under the bed, a pool of spit up here or there, and a whole buffet of brightly colored toys randomly tossed unto the rug. But Guess what? That’s ok. Cleaning can wait. Babies need attention and play. They need fed and bathed and tickled. Your home will not expect anything from you nor give anything in return. Obviously, dishes still need to be done, clothes still need washed, and the floors won’t clean themselves but don’t beat yourself up when a day goes by where nothing really gets accomplished. You will have tomorrow. Enjoy your little one first. Everything else can find a new place in line.

Motherhood has taught me that I am NOT the most squeamish person alive. I’ve always considered myself to have a super weak stomach. I can’t even watch action films for fear of fake blood for crying out loud. But somehow I now manage to clean up poop, wipe away vomit, and pick boogers without flinching. Having a baby obviously makes you immune to ickiness, right? In fact, I first fell in love with my son when he was naked and covered in blood and mucous 😉 And he was absolutely beautiful.

Motherhood has taught me how to multitask. Before my mommy days I could barely walk and chew gum at the same time. These days I manage to cook dinner, fold laundry, wash dishes and get in a daily dance sesh all at once AND while carrying my son on my back. In fact, there’s not very many instances of my day that I am not multitasking. It’s a completely necessary talent for survival. Without multitasking, I may never get to eat :/

Motherhood has taught me to appreciate sleep. I remember a time when sleeping in meant crawling out of bed at noon or 1pm. Now I can’t remember the last time I slept past 9am and that’s a rarity. 9am is now “sleeping the day away”. I also can’t remember the last time I wasn’t awoken at least once in the middle of the night. Oh how I love my sweety pie but this never sleeping thing is for the birds. Take advantage of what time you have to catch some z’s. There’s nothing wrong with napping with baby or going to bed at the same time as the elderly. I know this yet I still find myself up at 11 when the baby’s been asleep since 8. Have I really learned anything?

Motherhood has taught me how to forgive myself. I ever so meticulously planned and put every ounce of my energy into a natural birth and breastfeeding. I was dead set and also one hundred percent prepared for both. I did my research, took my classes, worked my butt off but I still failed at these two things. After 8 hours of back labor stuck in triage (because L&D was full) I lost my focus and got an epi. And after 2 weeks of pushing myself through the excruciating pain  exclusively breastfeeding I made the decision to switch to formula. For the longest time I hated myself for giving up in either of these circumstances. I lived with constant regret and remorse. I was living my life in the past and missing the beautiful present that was going on all around me. Forgiveness, for me at least, is the single most important lesson motherhood has taught me. It’s also the hardest lesson to accept.

Stop blaming yourselves. A perfect mother does not exist. But you are an amazing mother, and your children won’t remember the way they entered the world, they don’t care if they were breastfed or formula fed, they don’t even have the slightest clue how many times you’ve messed up. All those little eyes see is the one who holds them, the one who comforts and loves them, the one who is always there to kiss boo boos and wipe tears and make a yummy snack. To them, you are perfect. I still struggle with choices I’ve made as a mother but I’m slowly learning how to let go of the regret and forgive myself.

Motherhood is a learning experience. From the beginning and always. You live, you make mistakes, you learn from those mistakes, and you base future decisions on what you’ve learned. A cycle that goes on and on. If you love your babies, if you give them your best, then you are doing an amazing job. Never forget that. 

What has motherhood taught you?

I Would Die For That (Infertility Song)

13 Jul

What It Feels Like To Be Infertile

13 Jul

If you haven’t had to jump through the hoops of infertility then it may be hard to understand just what I am ranting and raving about. I have had so many women tell me that they feel like they can’t open up to others about their infertility challenges for fear of being misunderstood, belittled, or judged. Infertility is a medical condition which deserves recognition. Contrary to popular belief we won’t get pregnant if we “just relax”. We need medical intervention, medication, and sometimes much, much more. Most of all, we need support.

I can’t speak for everyone, as we are all different, but here is a look inside this Infertile Myrtle’s head.

Infertility makes me feel USELESS. The most basic instinct of being female is the trait of motherhood. We are natural caregivers. Our bodies were carefully created to carry babies, to labor for hours, to nurse, to love. Yet my womb is still empty. If I am unable to fulfill even this natural purpose, then what can I do?

Infertility makes me feel HELPLESS. Human nature is to want to be in control, to be able to influence the things that are happening to us and around us, but infertility takes all control from my hands. I can’t control my body, it obviously has a mind all its own. I can’t control what options are available to me, those decisions are limited to my doctor, my body’s reaction, and my finances. I can’t decide when I will get pregnant (if I ever do) or if my body will carry a baby to term. There is very little that I alone am able to do to increase my chances of becoming a mother. I have virtually no say in any of this and that is a struggle.

Infertility makes me feel JEALOUS. I never thought I could be so envious of someone til I started praying for a child. Now it seems as though every infant is a reminder of what I don’t have. Every mother stands for what I wish I could be. In so many ways my jealousy controls me. It prevents me from spending time with pregnant friends or family members. It causes me to avoid baby showers and children’s birthday parties. It makes me nervous to log in to Facebook in fear I will be bombarded with baby photos and pregnancy announcements. Every time my heart sinks.

Infertility makes me feel ANGRY. In a world full of evil, it is hard to see how God decides to give babies to thieves and drug addicts yet denies my husband and I of the same blessing. I know He has a plan and if I could see the whole picture I would understand, but I can’t and I don’t. As a result I am angry. I become angry every time I watch the news, seeing all the innocent children being abused and neglected. I am angered by teenage mothers, abortion, “accidental pregnancies”. It is my anger that has the most negative effect on me during this journey. I know that if I could just rid myself of the anger this would all be just a little bit easier. I am working on it, but it is far from easy.

Infertility makes me feel ALIENATED. I feel like people are always talking about me; wondering what my diagnosis is, judging me for not taking my infertility as a “sign” that I’m not supposed to be a mother, subconsciously assessing what I am doing wrong. When they choose to talk to me instead, I feel like I am made of glass. Like they are just waiting on me to shatter.

All these emotions are just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. There are so many more feelings beneath the icy surface. There’s the ANXIETY, the sense of being BROKEN, IRREPARABLE. There’s the HOPELESSNESS, the FEAR, the EMBARRASSMENT, the DISAPPOINTMENT, the DEPRESSION.

Most of all, infertility makes me feel SAD. It’s pain and its anguish. It makes you feel like giving up. But how can you when its all you’ve ever wanted?